24th Lunar Mansion - For Knowledge and Wisdom

24th Lunar Mansion  - For Knowledge and Wisdom
24th Lunar Mansion  - For Knowledge and Wisdom

24th Lunar Mansion - For Knowledge and Wisdom

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  • Description

24th Lunar Mansion  (Astromagia: The Zodiologion of Kankaf the Hindu)

When the Moon is in this mansion rising by night, fashion a lamina of iron and inscribe in it the figure of a man in thought with a book open in his hands, and [inscribe] the name of the lord of the mansion.”

“And suffumigate with the suffumigation [of the mansion] and pray by the name [of the lord of the mansion], to give you intelligence and understanding in all sciences; carry it with you, and so shall it be. The name [of the lord of the mansion] is Zahledo; the suffumigation is olive leaves.”

(Translation by Jose Manuel Redondo Ornelas, edited by Christopher Warnock, Renaissance Astrology)

Who Is This For?

The 24th Lunar Mansion from is a “spiritual nootropic”. It bestows a sharper, more discerning mind on its bearer.  According to Astromagia, it can bring intelligence and understanding in all sciences. It is ideal for a student who is striving for excellence in their field of study, whatever that may be. Conventional school, spiritual sciences such as astrology or ritual magic, or any chosen subject will become much easier and natural to learn and more deeply understood if this Lunar Mansion is applied.

Election Standard

This talisman is of unusually high quality for a Lunar Mansion by the notoriously difficult election standards of Picatrix and are worth examining in detail. The Moon is extremely fast (14.5) and rising oriental of (before) the sun, automatically giving extra strength to the Moon.  Although I’ve never found this to be a deciding factor for a lunar talisman, it does provide a very nice boost. Picatrix Book 2, Chapter 12, page 127 states, “you should know that the aspects of the Moon with planets are more powerful when the Moon is oriental of the Sun and in front of him…”

The sign ruler, Saturn, is in the first house, oriental of the sun and dignified by Face. Picatrix Book 2, Chapter 3, page 69 says, “If you find the lord of the Moon's house on the ascendant or midheaven, or in the eleventh or fifth houses, oriental and direct, everything will be suitable and appropriate for whatever you intend to do.”

The moon is making beautiful aspects which enhances Lunar Mansion talismans. She is separating from a sextile to Mercury and applying to sextile the sun and the Part of Fortune, then will square Venus. Furthermore, page 70 tells us  “This will be even more so if the lord of the ascendant is a fortune and is in the ascendant or another of the angles, or if it is a malefic and favorably placed. Even better than this is to have Jupiter or Venus rising or in aspect with the ascendant, for then the business at hand will proceed easily and obtain a good result, and accomplish its goal easily and swiftly.”

Although the Moon’s waxing and waning light is an overall minor factor in astrological magic, as the vast majority of experienced practitioners will attest, every little beneficial factor helps. Here, the moon is decreasing in light, which is excellent “for wisdom and seeking and inquiring after truth” according to page 71.

The Moon is rising in the Ascendant, per the instructions of Astromagia. Page 74 of the Picatrix tells the practioner, “Never put the Moon on the ascendant of anything you wish to do, because she is the ascendant's enemy”. Some practitioners have found this to be true from experience and avoid these elections. However, Picatrix contradicts this elsewhere by highly recommending the Moon rising in air and fire signs.

Book 2, Chapter 10, page 110-112 also provides interesting food for thought – seven moon elections all requiring the Moon on the ascendant. Five of which are for directly affecting the talisman owner’s mind and/or body, for healing or improving mental qualities.  The ascendant, and the first house overall, has the most direct effect on the person in question, representing the “whole person”. The other 11 houses govern different aspects of the person’s life. 

My experiences with the Moon rising have been excellent, provided that the sign ruler, first house, and its aspects are of good quality. My negative experiences occurred by trying to “cut corners” and not carefully following the instructions in Picatrix.

How They Were Made

The talismans were engraved on steel (iron) discs, with the image of a man holding a large open book. The name “Zahledo” is engraved on the top, and on each side of the open book’s pages are petition words: the ancient Paleo-Hebrew words חָכְמָה (Wisdom) and בִּינָה (Understanding). Those familiar with Kabbalistic lore will recognize their significance as the two highest spiritual states, directly emanating from God. Suffumigation was performed with smoke from dried olive leaves.

The Lot of Deep Reflection is also in the first house as an added bonus, conjoining Saturn.

The Charts

24th Lunar Mansion Chart 1

24th Lunar Mansion Chart 2