Planetary Talismans
- Mercury Talismans
- Topic: The diverse associations of Mercury talismans, including communication, intellect, travel, commerce, divination, magic, health, healing, writing, and scholarship.
- Recommended Reading:
- A comprehensive guide on planetary talismans available on the website.
- Books and articles on medieval and Renaissance astrology focusing on Mercury.
- Venus Talismans
- Topic: The attributes of Venus talismans, including love, romance, beauty, aesthetics, wealth, prosperity, harmony, peace, fertility, and childbirth.
- Recommended Reading:
- Agrippa’s “Three Books of Occult Philosophy” for insights on Venus talismans.
- The Picatrix, a renowned grimoire of astrological magic.
- Mars Talismans
- Topic: The key attributes of Mars talismans, including courage, strength, protection, defense, sexual potency, fertility, ambition, success, aggression, and conflict.
- Recommended Reading:
- Articles exploring the historical significance and uses of Mars talismans.
- Agrippa’s insights on Mars in his “Three Books of Occult Philosophy.”
- Jupiter Talismans
- Topic: The attributes of Jupiter talismans, including wealth, abundance, protection, good health, leadership, influence, education, wisdom, spirituality, and growth.
- Recommended Reading:
- The Picatrix for insights into the powers of Jupiter.
- Agrippa’s “Three Books of Occult Philosophy” for a deeper understanding of Jupiter’s attributes.
- Saturn Talismans
- Topic: The attributes of Saturn talismans, including protection, banishing negative influences, wealth, prosperity, wisdom, knowledge, health, longevity, and protection against melancholy.
- Recommended Reading:
- Agrippa’s insights on Saturn in his renowned work.
- The Picatrix for additional insights into Saturn’s attributes and powers.
- Moon Talismans
- Topic: The Moon’s talismanic attributes, including emotional stability, protection, fertility, childbirth, wealth, prosperity, intuition, psychic abilities, love, and romance.
- Recommended Reading:
- Agrippa’s “Three Books of Occult Philosophy” for insights into the Moon’s attributes.
- The Picatrix for a deeper exploration of the Moon’s influence in astrological magic.
- Sun Talismans
- Topic: The attributes of Sun talismans, including success, glory, protection, health, leadership, authority, creativity, inspiration, wealth, and prosperity.
- Recommended Reading:
- Agrippa’s insights on the Sun in his “Three Books of Occult Philosophy.”
- The Picatrix for additional insights into the Sun’s powers and attributes.
- Planetary Talismans Overview
- Topic: An introduction to the realm of planetary talismans, their uses, effects, and the traditional source materials guiding their creation.
- Recommended Reading:
- The Picatrix and Agrippa’s “Three Books of Occult Philosophy” for a comprehensive understanding.
- Articles and books on traditional astrology and celestial magic.
- Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Volume I & II
- Author: Demetra George
- Description: A training manual for the study and practice of Hellenistic astrology.
- Find it on Amazon
- Ancient Astrology
- Author: Tamysn Barton
- Description: An account of astrology from its beginnings in Mesopotamia, focusing on the Greco-Roman world.
- Find it on Routledge
- Ancient Secrets of Natural Magic, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music, and Astrology
- Description: A comprehensive exploration of natural magic and metaphysics, connecting various ancient disciplines.
- Find it on Better World Books
- Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice: Matheseos Libri VIII
- Author: Julius Firmicus Maternus
- Description: The Mathesis is the lengthiest astrological treatise that has come down to us from the classical period, offering insights into ancient astrology theory and practice.
- Find it on Barnes & Noble
- Picatrix
- Author: Christopher Warnock and John Michael Greer
- Description: The most important text of astrological magic ever written, translated from Latin.
- Find it at Renaissance Astrology and Magic Books
Articles and Collections
Renaissance Astrology by Christopher Warnock: Renaissance Astrology and Magic Books
Clifford Hartleigh Low: The Sorcerer’s Blog – Cliff Low’s sorcerous research, experiments, and musings.